Ordini di cavalcare, et modi di conoscere le nature de' caualli, di emendare i lor vitij, & d'ammaestrargli per l'uso della guerra, & giouamento de gli huomini : con varie figvre di morsi, secondo le bocche, & il maneggio che si vuol dar loro
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Ordini di cavalcare, et modi di conoscere le nature de' caualli, di emendare i lor vitij, & d'ammaestrargli per l'uso della guerra, & giouamento de gli huomini : con varie figvre di morsi, secondo le bocche, & il maneggio che si vuol dar loro
- Publication date
- 1571
- Topics
- Horsemanship, Horses, Bits (Bridles)
- Publisher
- In Venetia : Appresso Gio. Andrea Valuassori, detto Guadagnino
- Contributor
- Getty Research Institute
- Language
- Italian
- Item Size
- 529.2M
Binding: vellum. Brief title in gilt on spine. Old shelf mark on paper label at foot of spine
Inscription on front free endpaper recto: Del Abatte / Fran:co Maria De Testa. Another signature is at foot of t.p.: Aless.ro Soff.nj
First issued Naples : G.P. Suganappo, 1550; see BM
Signatures: (⁶ A-I⁸ K¹⁰
Contains 50 full-page woodcut plates depicting bits, and 2 in-text cuts. Initials, head- and tail-pieces. Valvasorre's device on t.p. (serpent)
Issued with: Scielta di notabili avvertimenti, pertinenti a' cavalli. In Venetia : Appresso Gio. Andrea Valuassori, 1571
BM STC Italian, 1455-1600
Inscription on front free endpaper recto: Del Abatte / Fran:co Maria De Testa. Another signature is at foot of t.p.: Aless.ro Soff.nj
First issued Naples : G.P. Suganappo, 1550; see BM
Signatures: (⁶ A-I⁸ K¹⁰
Contains 50 full-page woodcut plates depicting bits, and 2 in-text cuts. Initials, head- and tail-pieces. Valvasorre's device on t.p. (serpent)
Issued with: Scielta di notabili avvertimenti, pertinenti a' cavalli. In Venetia : Appresso Gio. Andrea Valuassori, 1571
BM STC Italian, 1455-1600
No copyright page found. No table-of-contents pages found.
- Addeddate
- 2017-08-07 16:21:55
- Call number
- 9927559890001551
- Camera
- Canon EOS 5D Mark II
- Digital_item
- 36
- External-identifier
- Foldoutcount
- 0
- Identifier
- ordinidicavalcar00gris_0
- Identifier-ark
- ark:/13960/t74v2n18h
- Invoice
- 101
- Ocr_converted
- abbyy-to-hocr 1.1.37
- Ocr_module_version
- 0.0.21
- Page-progression
- lr
- Page_number_confidence
- 51
- Page_number_module_version
- 1.0.3
- Pages
- 184
- Physical_item
- 36
- Ppi
- 350
- References
- BM STC Italian, 1455-1600
- Republisher_date
- 20170811180616
- Republisher_operator
- associate-douglas-marcchett@archive.org
- Scandate
- 20170810173359
- Scanner
- scribe2.santamonica.archive.org
- Scanningcenter
- santamonica
- Worldcat (source edition)
- 79598168
- Full catalog record
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